Cyber Workforce



DoD 8140 Implementation TimelinesThe DoDM 8140.03 was signed on 15 February 2023, cancelling DoD 8570.01-M.

Guided by the DoD Cyber Workforce Framework (DCWF), DoD 8140 unifies the overall DoD cyber workforce to include cyber IT, cybersecurity, cyber effects, cyber intelligence, and cyber enablers, under a common umbrella to better enable strategic workforce management.

DoDM 8140.03 focuses on the demonstration of capability, which ensures the cyber workforce is able to perform required functions in the job environment. In addition, DoDM 8140.03 takes a targeted, role-based approach to ensure DoD cyber workforce requirements meet both position and mission needs. Finally, DoDM 8140.03 was designed with flexibility in mind. It allows personnel to leverage varied development pathways, while ensuring organizations are empowered to maintain their own unique requirements based on operational demands.

For DoD 8140 inquiries, please contact the DoD CIO Workforce Innovation Directorate at [email protected].